Ma passion pour le scrapbooking et la carterie créative...
selon mes humeurs, mes envies, mes joies, mes peines et mes gouts...
A méditer...
Si un jour, on te reproche que ton travail n'est pas un travail de professionnel, dis-toi bien que: des amateurs ont construit l'arche de Noé, et des professionnels le Titanic.
Love the card. Love the flowers. Can't read French. Do you tell us who makes the flowers? The white one is so beautiful. I would love to have some of them.
5 commentaires:
J'adore!! Trop belle et ces tons!! Waouhhh!! bises. Nadine
Such a beautiful card! Love the way you used the flowers on the sketch. Thanks for playing Mojo Monday!
Love the card. Love the flowers. Can't read French. Do you tell us who makes the flowers? The white one is so beautiful. I would love to have some of them.
I really like your take on the sketch. Great idea using the flowers, well done!
Hi everyone...
The flowers came from "I Am Roses"
have a nice day ladys...
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